Hi I want to automate excel data into Rpa challenge website.But when im run the program showing error in the multple activity.Please check attached details below

the program details please check below screenshots



Use for each data row

and follow the below syntax:

First_name= currentrow(“FirstName”).tostring
Last_name= currentrow(“LastName”).tostring
and so on…

You are trying to pass the data from queue since you are reading the input from excel you need to pass from the datatable

if you already added the input data to queue than try as below:

  1. Get Transaction Item (output: transactionQueueItem)
  2. Assign fullname:
    If transactionQueueItem.SpecificContent.ContainsKey(“FullName”) Then
    fullname = transactionQueueItem.SpecificContent(“FullName”).ToString()
    fullname = “Default Name” ’ or handle as needed
    End If
  3. Log Message: fullname


I 've followed as you say

But showing error


Can you please share the photo of the complete work flow ??


Get Queue Items doesn’t give you Specific contents anymore.

You will have to use Get Transaction Item.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

Please follow the below steps:

1.Read the input excel using read range activity save as dtInput.
2. Use the for each row activity and pass the variable dtinput.
3. Use multi assign activity like in the body section of for each loop
FirstName= currentrow(“FirstName”).tostring
LastName= currentrow(“Lastname”).tostring
and so on
4. then use Add queue item activity:
in properties section of the Add queue item activity i.e (click on collection)then write as below:

Hi Sir,
I’ve followed what did you says. But it showing eror


Hi Sir,

I don’t now how to share complete workflow.can you please tell me the how to take capture the complete worklow?


if you are using Re Framework use as below:

in_transactionitem.specificcontent(“FirstName”).tostring and so on

Please refer this video:

Hi Sir,

Actually I don’t have license to do on RE Frame Work. Present i’m doing on studio only for practice purpose only.

Thanks & Regards

You dont want any license for that , you can open using the UiPath studio by clicking on REFramework instead of blank process


Refer this projects. Make sure you are changing the QueueName and QueueFolder as per your Orchestrator setup. This is to be done for bot dispatcher and performer.

RPAChallenge_Dispatcher.zip (1.2 MB)
RPAChallenge_Performer.zip (2.0 MB)

This config file is available in this location in bot bots.

After Queuename and foldername change in both project, run Dispatcher first which will add the queue items to Queue then run the Performer project, which will process the queue items one by one.

This two project approach is one of the best practices we follow in UiPath development. Refer this awesome blog for understanding it thoroughly.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Hi Sir,

Sir can i use RE Frame Work without license?

Thanks & Regards

Yes you can use it with out license.
Using community version it is free only

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Please refer this:

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