"Hey everyone! I'm currently working on a project in UiPath and I need some help with the Screenshot activity. My goal is to capture screenshots for multiple steps in my process. Here's an overview of what I'm trying to achieve:

  1. Open the Chrome browser and paste the link.
  2. Check the address bar at the end, where there will be a step number (e.g., 1).
  3. Capture a screenshot.
  4. Save the screenshot and rename it.
  5. Repeat the process, but this time, the step number in the address bar should change to 2.

I have around 40 to 50 steps that I need to capture screenshots for. I would really appreciate it if someone could guide me on how to implement this in UiPath.

Thank you in advance for your assistance! :blush:"

Try this one, it would be helpful:

  1. Initialize variables:
  • Create an integer variable called stepNumber and set it to 1. This variable will keep track of the current step number.
  • Create a string variable called screenshotPath to store the path where the screenshots will be saved.
  1. Open Chrome browser:
  • Use the “Open Browser” activity to open the Chrome browser and navigate to the desired link.
  1. Capture screenshot:
  • Use the “Take Screenshot” activity to capture the screenshot of the web page.
  • In the “Filename” property of the activity, provide the path where you want to save the screenshot. You can use the screenshotPath variable and append the step number to generate a unique filename for each step.
  1. Increment step number:
  • Use the “Assign” activity to increment the value of the stepNumber variable by 1.
  1. Repeat the process:
  • Use a loop (e.g., “For Each” or “While” loop) to iterate through the desired number of steps.
  • Set the loop condition based on your specific requirements (e.g., iterate until the stepNumber reaches the desired maximum step).
  • Place steps 2-4 inside the loop to perform the actions for each step.
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Hey @raja.arslankhan

Thanks for the response. but its not working for me.

@Minimouse Can you explain step 5 little bit more so i can suggest other solution

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Hi Please take a look Screenshot video

will check and update you

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: