Help with select check box

I am trying to get my automation to select just the top row of a table. when I test the automation it works perfectly fine. But when it runs as part of a debug sometimes it selects the top row (as expected) and sometimes it selects ALL of the check boxes.

the selector has a specific table row, and if I change the row and retest the activity is validated and selects the correct row.
What would cause it to be unstable?


Hi @Nathan_Betters1,

Try using “Anchor Base” as below mentioned


Hello @Nathan_Betters1

Can you please check whether the click activity is stickon to some particular element. You can check in the proprties.

Also share a screenshot of the same.


Hi @Nathan_Betters1 ,

Could you also check by inspecting through UiExplorer if there is any other attributes that could be useful for the Target element.