I’m now using Studio 2021.10.4 Enterprise version and trying to retrieve data from API using HTTP Request Activity, but it’s returning blank data. But if I repeat the process in the community version, I receive correct data. I also downgrade the activity on the community version, and it now works fine for me. However, it does not work in Enterprise Edition.
In this case, it seems the version of the UiPath.WebAPI.Activities package is too new for your Studio version.
Either you are downgrading the UiPath.WebAPI.Activities package, or you are upgrading your Enterprise Studio version to the latest version.
I am currently running StudioX 2023.4.0 with the UiPath.web package 1.11.0 version, and the same procedure is working properly.
But in Studio 2021.10.4 Enterprise Edition i am using old activities still i am not getting proper output
Then upgrade Studio from here https://download.uipath.com/versions/23.4.0/UiPathStudio.msi
We don’t have authority to upgrade it; is there any method to fix this problem?
Redo manually the project with the HTTP Request activity after checking this documentation https://docs.uipath.com/activities/other/latest/user-guide/http-client
If the returned HTTP status code (StatusCode ) is 0
, it means that the server did not return an actual response for some reason. This usually points to some connectivity or network issues you might be having.
It is hard to guess what you are having on that machine without any information.