Handle browser pop up window?

I am using a use browser/application activity which has sequence of functions to upload. i have issues with the

  1. i want my program to wait until the upload is over ( uploading symbol pop )
    ( Element exist doesnt work )
  2. there could be a pop up anytime in that page . how do i click if it occurs .
    (there is a ok button / close button)

can some one help me

you can use while loop for check every 5 seconds once its true you can end the loop and click on what you want

Hello @Nandhini_Vishnu

you can use a Element exists, then use a if activity,

If element exists is false, inside while again give a element exists for the same element.

So loop will continue till the element get appear.

To click on the popup, is it happening at some particular stage or is there any criteria for that popup to appear?


The loading symbol(image) is not captured by the element exists !!
when i click the upload button this loading image pops up (if the csv file is tooo big) , but for a small file with only ( few records - say around 10 ) this upload is quick that this image ( loader doesn’t show on the page as its too quick ) - am using modern design ( cv screen scope ) .thanks in advance


Not the loading symbol. Once you login to the application you will e able to find some other elements on the screen ryt… That element you need to use for element exists.

Let it complete the loading…So the while loop will continue till the element appear…Maybe you can give Client Name as the element exist.

But that element exists ( client name exist even if the loading symbol is not there ). still i have to select that kya ?? i will try anyways. thanks for ur valuable time .

You can use the retry scope activity for this case.

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