Hi Everyone,
I have data on google sheets originating from google forms.
I am trying to extract data from google sheets into a datatable using read range activity but i keep getting this weird error that the column names do not match. I have no idea where the reference is coming from. I have even resorted to
- Relinking google sheets from google forms
- Delete google sheet and re-creating spreasheet from google forms
As shared in the last picture, i have resorted to deleting everything and creating the spreadsheet from scratch again (from google forms) thus the empty google sheets.
Main.xaml (14.5 KB)
What i notice so far is it getting the list of headers and expecting to retrieve alphabetically. As you can see in the error "at index 0: expected: ‘Alamat’ and followed by column names beginning with A as well.
Hello @MKF_Motor_Sdn_Bhd ,
Please make sure that the sheet name is the right one. There is no print with the sheet name as a proof within our request.
Also, make sure that the file is located on “Default(mkfmotor@gmail.com)” and not within a different place.
Hope it helps!
Best regards,
I’ve tried all combination all options to no avail. Sheet name has been countless times confirmed.
Hi, I recently have same problem as you.
Luckily I found the way out, it’s late but hope it can help you or anyone that face similar issue in the future.
When you first assigned the Read Range to a DataTable var, you will see the Data Type is not “System.Data.DataTable” as normal but instead “System.Data.DataTable1”, “System.Data.DataTable2”…“System.Data.DataTableN”
Looks like UiPath also store some kind of meta data of the table into that variable.
So if you change the Table (add/remove/rename columns) on GoogleSheet, Excel Online later, it will not recognize the original one, here your case I assume you had done some changes on it. It will return the error message as “Column name or order do not match”
Here is the way I fix it:
- Delete the variable
- Recreate the new variable by Ctrl K at Output, using the old var name
If you see the Data Type is incremented by 1 “System.Data.DataTable1” → “System.Data.DataTable2” then it is OK to go.
Hope it could help.