Getting processes in subfolder using Orchestrator HTTP request

I’m using the Orch HTTP request activity and I’m trying to just get the processes running in a specific subfolder. My Orchestrator file path is selected for the child folder and I use “/odata/processes” but it returns everything in the tenant. If I use “odata/Processes?$filter=Folder eq ‘Parent/Child’” I get an error.



You will have to send two HTTP requests.

  1. To get the Folder Id
    Method: Get
    End point: /odata/Folders

    This will return all folders and their respective data. Out of this we just need Id of your desired folder. For Example, here I’m taking Id of folder named POC which is 17132

  2. Once we have the folder Id we have to send another HTTP Requests like below:
    Method: Get
    End Point: /odata/Jobs
    Header parameter : X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId=17132

Full query


I don’t have any job in that particular folder so it’s 0 but if you have then you will get it.

Ashok :slight_smile: