Getting Process ID for Retrieving All Robots That Can Execute a Specific Process in Orchestrator API

Hello, I am currently trying to setup Orchestrator API on a local site.

On the ‘Retrieving All Robots That Can Execute a Specific Process’ section, it says “enables you to identify, on the fly, which Robots can execute the package with the ‘processid’”.

The below example was given:

I am having trouble understanding what the processId is and where I am supposed to get that from.

Would be great if someone would be able to help with this![organizationId]/[tenantId]/orchestrator_/swagger/index.html

In the “Gets Jobs” API request you can get the process id

thanks for the reply,
would be be able to show me exactly what part is the processId in an example of the Get Jobs output.

using orchestrator version 23.10 if it helps

Yes, in orchestrator API you can use :

In the response you have “The ID” of the process.

Kindly note that we took some actions as one of your above posts offered sensitive data

as mentioned by Dimitry we can retrieve the ID via ORC API

For prototypings we recommend to work with Swagger

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