Getting Outlook Email properties not working

I’ve run the OutlookSample_v2 sample on my machine.
I’ve got the top 5 emails correctly but only the Subject property can be read.
Whener I try to read the From attribute ou the Body attribute or the Sender attribute, I’ve got a null error each time.

Could you please tell me what’s the issue ?

Thanks in advance

Hi fr2016 - you will need to post your xaml file or some screenshots of what you currently have otherwise this issue is difficult to debug.


You will find attached the xaml file.OutlookSample_v2.xaml (7.3 KB)

Unfortunately your file loaded with XAML errors on my machine - what version of UiPath are you using? Also what type of server are you using for Outlook (e.g. Exchange, 365). I have just tested the Get POP3 mail messages activity (we use 365) and had no problem accessing my emails in full using the settings from this link :


Hi, I’am using UiPath V8 et and Exchange as Outlook server.

Hey @fr2016 and @richarddenton

When I have developed this for demo it was working fine and I am also using office 365 and still it is working on my system.

According to Me if he is able to get emails subject property then the problem is may be because of encryption on the company mails and settings on the exchange server.
And may be the text encoding is different.

I’ll see it soon what’s the cause of this for this have to find a system or account on which it is not working.

Regards …!!

Hi UiPath specialists,

I see the same error while retrieving sender address, do we have any resolution or workaround fot this?

Thank You

You are also using the same company email address account?

HI Everyone,

I found the error to be the email with really no email address. I had to do try catch to resolve my error for the exception.

Thank you