Getting Issue after Completion of Running Robot

Robot Successfully Running

but it is not getting stopped.

Can anyone please let me know solution for this.??

check out your loop condition. it went into infinite loop. kill the process from task bar and debug it.

There is no loop conditions as such…
it completed logout and then it is not getting stopped.

@indra @ovi

Pavan, try to remove your package and re publish it.
Hope that will fix u r issue


The logs’ screenshot that you provided is from Studio - every time you open Studio you will get this but it shouldn’t interfere with the workflow execution. Please look into the 2017-11-20_Execution file(or any file related to execution).

There is no issue with code and logs…
All went as expected but at the end robot is not getting Stopped.
I need to stop from task manager and end process.

@Pavan_Kumar_Reddy put your sequence in try catch block and see whats the error