Getting exact row cell valu without using for each row

Hey Guyz, im trying to get the exact cell value for the column “description” of row “ES”

simply i just wanna use row index things like this= dtVariable.rows(2)(1).ToString

But its not working & giving error like at times row/column doesnt exist
Can you please help me fix this or any better approach to to the excat cell value

Hi @Jiban_Stars

You can use Linq query to achieve it

use assign activity and the value should be as below
(From r In DT Where (r(“Language”).toString) .equals (“ES”) Select r).CopyToDataTable

Use output data table activity to convert datatable to string.

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Hey @Jiban_Stars , the right syntax is


Hope this helps!

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Hi @Jiban_Stars

You can try with Lookup DataTable Activity

Here is the workflow
Sequence.xaml (6.5 KB)


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let me try

Thanks Guyz, for all your responses

But that was a silly mitstake from my end

actually read range values were not defined clearly thats whts why it was giving me that error, my bad

yet Thanks again for all your responses

Kindly mark the appropriate post as solved, If you don’t have any query.

So that it will help others to
