i am getting three errors even after following the line by line steps under this article
i was trying to do simple addition
can anybody assist ?
these are the errros:-
Suppression State
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0534 ‘Addition’ does not implement inherited abstract member ‘AsyncTaskCodeActivity.Execute(AsyncCodeActivityContext, CancellationToken)’ vik.MyfirstActivity.Activities C:\Users\vik\source\repos\MySolution\vik.MyfirstActivity\vik.MyfirstActivity.Activities\Activities\Addition.cs 13 Active
Error CS0115 ‘Addition.ExecuteAsync(AsyncCodeActivityContext, CancellationToken)’: no suitable method found to override vik.MyfirstActivity.Activities C:\Users\vik\source\repos\MySolution\vik.MyfirstActivity\vik.MyfirstActivity.Activities\Activities\Addition.cs 59 Active
Error CS0006 Metadata file ‘C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\source\repos\MySolution\Output\bin\Debug\vik.MyfirstActivity.Activities.dll’ could not be found vik.MyfirstActivity.Activities.Design C:\Users\source\repos\MySolution\vik.MyfirstActivity\vik.MyfirstActivity.Activities.Design\CSC 1 Active
Hello @Vikram212
As par my understanding you created addition method in code.
You should do addition functionality in method named Execute that abstract method of class that you inherit .
Please post your Addition.cs file. Either the ExecuteAsync method has been removed or your class no longer extends BaseAsyncCodeActivity. When using the Activity Creator, no modifications are needed to the generated files–just add your execution logic where it says to do so.