Get Text to new Excel Row after every Repeat

Hi guys,

A very simple one which I can’t get working.

I have got a workflow setup which Get Text and Paste into an Excel. This then repeats.

The issue I am having is how do I put the data into a new row (but same column) every time it.

Any help? Only new to UI Path and couldn’t find a solution at all.


Hi @hydie (how do I put the data into a new row (but same column) every time it.)
You can use Data table activities that you can add a data row, and create a Data table and you can write into excel

Take a counter Variable Counter=1
Take while loop and Take Write cell activity and pass Range value as ColumnName+Counter

can you please attach workflow you have created. Then it is easier to gave you solution.


After playing around I ended up putting in an Append Range, however not everything lines up correctly (A SKU is on the line below where it should be). This needs to be fixed.

Here is a screenshot of the workflow and also the file. It is getting data from an Application. (84.1 KB)