I want to extract online one number from one paragraph but with use of Get Text, anytime give me the same error.
Someone can i help me?
I want to extract online one number from one paragraph but with use of Get Text, anytime give me the same error.
Someone can i help me?
Hi @amaia.aristegui ,
Try getting whole text and then extract using regex if you know the start and end or a pattern of numbers.
As per screenshot I can see that the Anchor is very far and the value required is not a separate element. So get a full element(All the text) and then extract what you require.
I never know the number of character because monthly it will be changing, also the value.
what is the best way to extract this information?
Hi @amaia.aristegui ,
If you know the text which is present before and after then value you need then we can use a split on the string. str.Split(<before/after value>,Stringsplitoptions.None) . this will give you an array of strings and you can get the required value using index
When i used the new activity from Office 365, i give the path of the document and it give me a error.
The error is : Value of type ‘string’ cannot converted to ‘driveItem’
Someone knows why?
Please create a new thread as this is for a different issue that way it would be easy for others to get the correct solution
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