Get SharePoint List Data

Hi All

Need your help to solve an issue.

I need to get the data from SharePoint List view. That list has 4 views. Tried to get the data using Get List items but it’s not providing that particular view data.

Also, not getting Column type Person or group data, just getting System.Object in that column.

Assigned to column looks as following in SharePoint List

Can someone please help me to get this resolve?



Get List Info returns you SharepointList type of result. From this result you can get the Columns like this.

getliostinfoOutputvariable.Columns(0) - This should give you fist column. Change the column index to the desired one to get the column.


each view will have different id…try to use id instead of name

coming to values…check how to get each column value…instead of update can be used to get as well in below link

ListItem.Fields.Where(function(x) x.DisplayName.Equals(“Display Name of Field”))(0).Value

also as per screenshot we can see that you might have used somethign like variable.ToString…instead try String.Join(",",varaible) this would show data


Thank you @Anil_G and @ashokkarale for replying on my query!! I am able to get the view data but still unable to retrieve data from column type Person and Group.

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Glad you were able to get the records now

I believe you would get only the backend id from eprson and group column

thats a limitation

if that has changed and if you are getting a json strcuture then it should contain data but i believe it si not changed


How we can get this from backend?


directly you will get only ID which directly you would have already got it
