Get Queue Items fetches 100 queue items

Hi Team,

Get Queue Items fetches 100 queue items To generate report from queue i want more items to fetch how to do that.


Hello ,
Please go through the following vedio.


Hello there,

you are correct this is a limitation to have only first 100 items within your filter.
To have more, you need to do a little logic by using pagination properties and “Skip”.

For instance in a while loop if you still get items we can have an integer variable starting from 0 ( to skip 0 records from queue ) and increments to +100 after each call. So it will skip 0 then 100 then 200 records etc… and when the call returns nothing you have retrieved all items.

Hope this helps

Hi @thima
You will need to create a logic to get 100 itens and add to datatable and then increase a “counter skip”

1 - initialize counter skip with 0
2 - put a “do while”
3 - use “get items” inside do while
4 - use for each row to add itens to datatable
5 - increase “counter skip”
6 - condition shoud be until queueTransactionItems.Count >0 (when turns 0 means you dont have more itens in the queue)

In the properties of “Get Queue Items” you shoud put the “counter skip” in the Skip property, Top = 100

Hi @thima

You can follow this approach

Hope this helps:)


Try the below solutions ,

Gowtham K


that is the limitation on the get queue items…here is a detailed way on what to do to get full report
