HO To get the all the transaction item from the queue

Hi Team,

I want to know how to get all the queue items in one run. We know that getting queue items will give only 100. if we have 1000 data how to extract.

Chethan P

You can use Get Queue Items activity with a simple counter based logic.

Get Items, check if count is = 100, if yes, loop again to get the next set else, that is your last set.

Hi @copy_writes

You can refer to this link Once

@vinitha_yachamaneni @monsieurrahul

Instead of using count is there any one go?

Chethan P

If you’re not sure of the count, you can use the counter based logic as its a reliable way.

Hello @copy_writes , Try API to get the queue items.

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Hi @copy_writes

This is how the basic structure will look as there is limitation for get queue items to fetch only 100 we need to add skip with increase in 100 each time

also you need to add if condtion to break the loop if the count is 0 in the queue. Add Skip counter with 100 for next set of queue items. In this you can use the for each queue item to create a datatable with all the data.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Hi @copy_writes

skipCount = 0
allQueueItems = new List(Of QueueItem)

queueItems = Get Queue Items (Top: 100, Skip: skipCount)
skipCount = skipCount+queueItems.Count

Loop While queueItems.Count = 100

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