I’ve used several different methods of filtering for a specific date with the Get Outlook Messages activity, but none of them seem to be filtering correctly. It’s returning the incorrect number of emails. I don’t know if I’m experiencing limitations of UiPath or if there are inherent limitations due to time zones.
For example, I’ve tried filtering for the date two days ago. Here are a couple of methods I’ve tried:
"[ReceivedTime] >= ‘11/27/2018’ AND [ReceivedTime] <= ‘11/27/2018 23:59:59’ "
It’s really strange because if I use a correct filter that has worked for others within these forums, the activity will return exactly 14 emails from the date prior to the day I’m trying to retrieve. Emails are continuously being sent to the email folder. So I don’t understand why it’s returning more emails than what was received during the specified day.
Not sure why the filters are not working in your case.
Have you tried adding a secondary check IF condition in looping the mail messages if that works at least.
in IF condition : try to use MailItem.ReceivedTime >= Now…
@aksh1yadav how we can do in IMAP as item.header(“Date”) is showing different format like
Mon, 23 Dec 2019 12:32:40 -0800 (PST) which is not recognized by datetime
can i get date by (created at) in gmail?
Actually both dates are different.
Item.headers(“Date”) is different from “Created on” date as shown in pic above circle in red mark.
item.headers(“Date”) is in PST and “Created on” date is showing in IST format.
So just a query is there any way to fetch Created on Date?
When trying this i get the following error. i am using the get outlook mail activity and put the above code in the filter and it get the error below. “Cannot parse condition”
“@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE ‘%Keyword%’ AND urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived >= '”+now.AddDays(in_EmailDay).ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd”)+" 00:00:00’ AND urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived <= ‘“+now.AddDays(in_EmailDay+2).ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd”)+” 00:00:00’"
Just incase someone is still having trouble with date filter.