Get mail by id

"Hey everyone,

I was using the ‘Get Mail by ID’ activity within the ‘Use Desktop Application,’ where the UID is retrieved from the queue. However, after moving to a different environment, we realized they don’t have an Outlook Desktop license, preventing us from using these activities.

Is there an alternative solution or any other workaround for this?"

Is it not possible to install Outlook in the client machine

other options are to migrate outlook activities to other supporting mail components such as

  1. Use Outlook 365 which does not have outlook application dependency
  2. Microsoft Exchange Activity


In this situation O365 activities is the only option here!

are you suggesting using UiPath Integration Services?

Can we use vb or c# code to tackle this?


may be first question is what options are possible for you?

even with code also you need something…so based on you having 0365 different auths or smtp you can use them to get the mail if outlook is not installed

else you need to install it

rather it be via code or via activities



Nope, you will still need interop libraries which will be available only when you have MS office installed on the machine.

Yes Microsoft Office 365 integration package

For this I need to setup the integration services right?

Yes that is true. Requires integration service connection

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