Get IMAP Mail Messages throws Error message": "Get IMAP Mail Messages: LOGIN failed

Hi Guys,

I have two different email accounts for Dev and Test environment in the organization. i have tried executing Get IMAP mail messages activities using both email accounts(Dev and Test email accounts). when i tried executing using my test email account i can successfully able to read the emails using IMAP. but when i tried the same using my Dev email account i am getting Error message -
message": "Get IMAP Mail Messages: LOGIN failed.

i have verified and the account details,credentials everything correct.
Could you please let me know what are the possible reason for the error and what action needs to be taken for solution


Check below for your reference

Hope this helps you


Hello there,
I think, you are facing this problem because Gmail allows highly secure transmissions and blocks any app which tries to access or send mails to gmail. So to resolve this error, try allowing the ‘Allow Less Secure Apps’ feature in security settings of your google account.

Hi @Srini84

Thanks for your solution for Gmail. I have the issue but in Outlook/office365 using the server “” and port 993, I am already set up an appPassword for third applications, but the activities Get IMAP Mail Messages to raise the same error “LOGIN Failed”,

do you know how to solve this error for Outlook?

Hi everybody, i have the same problem, anyone have the solution??

I specifically have these settings in the activity, using package UiPath.Mail.Activities version 1.18.0.
Of course, email and password are right :wink:

Hey did you fix this ?

No, do you have a solution?

Nope , i have found uipath.mail.activities got published yesterday by Uipath to new version

i have created a new thread

Hi @Mamidwar_Anil_Ramlu @vdhanabal @Simone_Trenta ,

This problem is due to microsoft removing all basic authentication for outlook starting on the 1st of October and being rolled out across all tenants in the coming weeks and months.

Please see this link from Microsoft for full details
Deprecation of Basic authentication in Exchange Online | Microsoft Learn

There are a couple of solutions possible.


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Hey @vdhanabal if you have created any app password in you gmail try to give that app password in the activity panel
Sometimes that will be the issue


Sreejith S S

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Hi Sreejith, I tried giving the app password in activity panel, but I am getting below error:
“IMAP server replied to the ‘SEARCH’ command with a ‘BAD’ response”
Please help

I am experiencing the same issue with my outlook 365 account exactly the same. Has anyone resolved it till now ?

I am facing this same issue even after entering all the correct credentials in the property field of the imap activity. I Have crosschecked all the login credentials and imap settings for my outlook account but Still I am having this same error.

What would be the solution? I’ve ran into this exact problem

Im also using oAuth in IMAP and have the same LOGIN failed error. Have you resolved this?

Hi, sorry for the delay in answering you.
At the moment we use exchange instead of IMAP/SMTP, it’s more stable and secure.

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