Get Full Text selector is dynamic

Hello All,

I am using a “get full text” activity. here I am fetching data from a website which helps in booking the train tickets.

here in the Ui Explorer when i change the aaname to (*) asterisk and try to validate the selector, it dynamically changes the highlighted area.

i even tried to change the visible text and inner text but the story remains the same.

can anyone guide me in this? and also tell where to add the wildcard to every time it takes the new value and saves in the variable.

Thank You In Advance.


That totally depends on webdite and element…simply adding a wild card will not make selector dynamic for a requirement you also need to consider where and how much part is to be dynamic so that it does not include other elements which are not required


hey @Anirudh_Tugawe
Look for attributes that don’t change every time you access the site or between different bookings. These can be things like id , name , or class attributes, depending on the web page’s structure.
Remember that* wildcard can replace any number of characters, and the ? wildcard can replace a single character.
However, it’s often better to be as specific as possible, so if only a part of the aaname is dynamic, you might do something like eg.
<webctrl aaname='Booking reference number *' tag='SPAN' />

You can’t wildcard aaname. That means the selector will match ANY UI Element. You have to give it a specific value for aaname.

Why did you put * for aaname?

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You can post your selector here.

Thank you so much for your reply Anil Ji and hearty Congratulations on becoming MVP :tada: :confetti_ball:

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