While fetching data using the
get form tasks activity, it shows 0 retried data.
Can you show some screenshots please
Also without any filters are you getting data?
Without any data, I am not getting any output. But using get task data, if i put task id, i can fetch data. Let me know if you need any other details. I want to fetch details that have medium priority.
As per log message there are many filters…can you try removing al and check if you are getting some data first…then subsequently we can add more filters as needed
I still see priority filter can you please empty all the filters and do get form taks without any filters and check
Can you cehck in your orchestrator if taks are created and used if you have access to it…
Alternatey can you print the output of create form task…basically it gives the id…just to verify if it is crwated
The tasks are created in the action center. However, I need all the details in an excel sheet that is completed. How can I do that?
What you are trying is correct as per the need you have…
But to understand why you are not getting the details…we need to know if you are getting the values ors not…and why are you not getting if task is created
To know that can you try just using get form task and
Please try giving the same task catalogue name that you gave in create form task and remove all filters for now to check
I did all this. While using get form task, I am getting form data by using task id.
Without task id as well you should be able to get…can you print formtasks.count
using a log message and check if anything is retured
it says 0 task returned
Can you please expands the variable in locals panel and show it…
Also…to test can follow these steps
Use a create form task and get forms task in same workflow…one after the other …create a form and use get form tasks after that immediately…also do a debug and use step into and check the variables
I tried this also, immediately using after create form. It again shows 0 tasks retrieved. @Anil_G
You need to check the variable runtime values in the locals panel and not in the variables panel…