Get attribute value based on class name

Hi ,

I have class called error label,I need values under that label .i tried get attribute .Didn’t work.Also is it possible to get only red coloured text from the web site?

@ranjani - You should be able to achieve that using get attribute. Please refer:

Use find children activity and fine tune the child selector to have the class you wish to retrieve.

Hi @Madhavi

i have a scenario,
in that i have a table kind of format ,in that i have some links beside those links the admin put some colors like(red , green , orange and golden).
based on the color like red i have to click on that link.and the color is not appeared as an element (not clickable)

so how to determine color properties.
m new to uipath
can u explain the procedure to follow?



@priyanka1991 - Please try this activity:

ColorDetectorActivities 1.0.3

To get the RBG value of X and Y coordinate and identify the color using Euclidean Shortest Distance formula.


UiPath - Custom Activity - Color Detector v1.0.3

For debugging purpose, you can use input as cursor.position.X and cursor.position.Y and highlight flag as True. Then hover the cursor on the image when you are running the process.

If it is able to identify color correctly then use getposition activity to get dynamic X and Y coordinates of the image. You can do some minor adjustment in the X and Y coordinate to get correct location of pixel on the screen.