Hi all, I need to run the bot to get all tha packages uploaded in Orchestrator and all the activities used in those packages as well.
Through Orchestrator http request I want to get all these data.
While Using Orchestrator Http Request - If I use Relative Endpoint - “/odata/folders” - I get all the folders, same kind of I need path so that I can get the json values of packages along with all the activities used in the respective package
To get a list of all the packages and activities used in those packages in Orchestrator using HTTP requests, you can use the following steps:
Get the list of all packages: Use the /odata/packages endpoint to get the list of all packages uploaded in Orchestrator. This will return a JSON object containing information about each package, including the package ID, version, and name.
For each package, get the list of activities: Use the /odata/Activities endpoint with a filter to get the list of activities used in the package. The filter should include the package ID and version, and should be in the format PackageId eq '<package ID>' and PackageVersion eq '<package version>'. This will return a JSON object containing information about each activity, including the activity ID, name, and description.
Here is an example of the HTTP requests you can use to get the packages and activities:
To get the list of all packages, use the following HTTP request:
GET https://<orchestrator url>/odata/Packages
This will return a JSON object containing information about each package.
For each package, use the following HTTP request to get the list of activities:
GET https://<orchestrator url>/odata/Activities?$filter=PackageId%20eq%20'<package ID>'%20and%20PackageVersion%20eq%20'<package version>'
Replace <package ID> and <package version> with the values for the package you want to get the activities for. This will return a JSON object containing information about each activity used in the package.
Note that you may need to authenticate your HTTP requests with valid Orchestrator credentials in order to access the data. You can do this by including an Authorization header with a bearer token obtained from the Orchestrator API authentication endpoint.
“/odata/Activities?$filter=PackageId ‘LoggingTypes’ and PackageVersion=‘1.0.1’”
“/odata/Activities?$filter=PackageId ‘LoggingTypes’ and PackageVersion ‘1.0.1’”
Where I am missing, pls help