Get all processes running on an RDP

I want to get all te active processes in an RDP session. I tried Get Process Activity but is returns the processes in the system on which the robot is running. Can you please help me with this?


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One suggestion is create a powershell script “Get-Service | Export-Csv -path “C:\services.csv”” and run it using a batch file. So with the automation you can execute the script in RD and get the service details to a csv file. The you can FTP that to local machine and get the details.

Hey @sherlin.s

Sorry, You want to extract it for a different RDP or could you please explain…


Hi, I want to close all the open windows of an application on Remote Desktop.

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Hello @sherlin.s ,

If you going with the native RDP then you can use the normal activities like close application.
Else you can create a powershell or comman line script to trigger some commands to close the applications.

Hey @sherlin.s

In that particular RDP machine, where you want to close the windows - Do you have bot installed in that machine ?


No. The bot is installed on another server.

If that system you are remote-desktopping into with a Process is always the same system-harddrive, then you could have a folder there, which presence is checked after init-ing the RDP conn,
and where you place helper scripts like those suggested above.

You would then use “Citrix Automation” to run these scripts.