Generate access token programmatically using grant type as Authorization code

Hi. I am trying to generate access token for the API request using OAuth 2.0 and grant type as “Authorization Code”. In postman, “Get New access token” button gives the token details. The response output or header has no details about the token. So how to get the token details?

  1. http request activity is successful, but response has no access token details.
  2. Need generate access token generation script (python/ to use in “Invoke code” activity of UiPath with arguments as client id, client secret, redirect url.


For authorixation code the prameters are little different

What you are showing looks like the client credentials


@Anil_G I am working with webex APIs. I want to get the access token using the client id and client secret of webex.


If you are using webex api then why are you using UiPath call back url in the postman client?


UiPath integration service with WebEx requires manual intervention to establish the connection whenever the token gets expired. In order to automate token generation, I am trying to use WebEx api. To authorise, Authorization code is the grant type which requires call back URL.


Can you please verify
