HI Yall! I need some help manipulating a GDriveRemoteItem type variable . What I am doing is pulling files from my google drive which contain PDF’s. From there I am trying to run the PDF’s through OCR but the problem lies in the variable types. I cannot figure out how to change/manipulate the variables. I would like to go from GDriveRemoteItem to Image variable if possible. I can’t seem to find much documentation on it, send it my way if its there!
Any Help is appreciated, Thanks.
At least we can check:
so it was done on a GDriveRemoteItem
- LocalCopy.LocalPath - get the location where the local file is representing the item
- LocalCopy.FullName - get the origin name
and with this, it can be passed to other activities when information are needed on string based path
when next processing acitivites do need an ILocalRessource we can use
Thank you for the information. Anyway I can further get it into a “image” variable type to enter as the input for Tesseract OCR? Also do you know where I can read up on these “.GetType, .localcopy, .localpath” extensions?
we had showcased the samples above during debugging and using the immediate panel:
the essential code statements can be used within the different activities e.g. assign Activity…
have a look at the pdf related activities, offered from the UiPath.PDF.Activities package:
fell free to check the related courses offered in the UiPath Academy: https://academy.uipath.com/learn
Woah, thanks a ton. Got it all figured out. Thanks for the input and resources.
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