This month is our 1 year anniversary with UiPath Go!, a marketplace for reusable components where you can use and share automations with others.
The idea of this Marketplace sparked from you guys, our Forum Community – which we are very grateful for.
With this in mind, we want to ignite a new initiative in order to help contributors improve or further develop their components from Go!. We want to ask you to power that initiative!
“But how do I do it”, you might ask?
Well, maybe you know somebody that is working on something and you could recommend a component to ease his/hers project or you simply found a hidden gem which you want to share? Or maybe you have just submitted a component and you want others to test it and provide you with direct feedback?
Tag a fellow forum user in the comments and link a Go! Component for him/her to download, test and leave a review directly in Go!. They would then return the favor by tagging a new user & more component in the comments.
To kick this off, I’m tagging (at random ) the following Forum users:
https://go.uipath.com/component/getter-setter -
https://go.uipath.com/component/optage-ocr-complementary-tools -
https://go.uipath.com/component/cci-fundamental-ocr -