Hi Everyone,
How to change the syle of the excel in invoke code.
Eg : Change bg Color,Font,Size of the cell.
Saran S R
Hi Everyone,
How to change the syle of the excel in invoke code.
Eg : Change bg Color,Font,Size of the cell.
Saran S R
SetRangeColor activity can be used for changing color.
While for font etc, can try macros and use execute macro activity
you can use macros to change the colour and font of the selected Range.
I am attaching an example macro which you can take it as reference , I am selecting the particular range and changing its format and colour.
VBAForDateChangeInSelected.txt (723 Bytes)
Thanks @vishnuvarthanp
In our organization macro is not Recommendable.
Thanks again @vishnuvarthanp and @ArunVelaayudhanG
Found the solution using invoke activity.
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