For each loop for click buttons


I want to click the Expand buttons one after one. How can we do it. Here I am sharing the click buttons screenshot for the reference.



Please use for each ui element activity and indicate the plus icon…inside the loop use click activity with currentelement as input element to click


its taking first plus icon repeatedly. not iterating for the rest of the icons.



When you indicate is it highlighting al the plus icons?

In the click activity did you indicate element? Or pass the current element as the input element?


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It is highlighting all the Plus Icons, I Indicated the element and I passed the element.
Should I need to select all the Plus Icons or the very first is enough??
In the preview, I can’t see anything except the current element.



Can you try indicating any other plus icon instead of the first and check if it is able to identify please and show in preview


I tried it also but not getting for second iteration.

It is plus Icon na so not showing anything in preview.



Then do one thing…

Please use ui explorer and identify a selector for plus icon…please do not include any number related selectors.mostly it should look like below

<webctrl tag='BUTTON' Class=‘xyz' />

This si just for example…you have to use the centre top and right top menus in the ui explorer to get the proper selector

Now we can add one more to this selector idx=‘1’ and we can increment idx to 2,3 , so on and click on each…so first identify the selector for one icon…fromt here this can be acheived


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