For Each Email with Use Desktop Outlook App does indeed do a good job of iterating through all the emails in a folder and optionally, it’s subfolders; however, I’m having trouble finding a way to tell what subfolder each item is coming from when I use the “include subfolders” check box.
It doesn’t appear that any of the attributes of CurrentMail return the item’s parent folder.
I would love to hear ideas on how to do that?
.ParentDolderId doesn’t seem to be an attribute of the MailMessage type.
I get a syntax error:
Argument ‘Value’ : BC30456 'ParentFolderId is not a member of ‘MailMessage’
I guess I can look for ways to find the parent with VBA. Was hoping it was just hidden somewhere in one of the Outlook integrations.
@Mohan_Reddy ,
Oh I see, you are probably talking about the Modern Office365 activities for Outlook. I see that the CurrentEmail.ParentFolderId does exist there.
Excellent! Thanks.
One other thing–do you know of an easy way to get the folder name from that ParentFolderId?