“The activity delegate with Handler ‘Body’ cannot be referenced by activity ‘For Each’ because the latter is not in the implementation of activity ‘DynamicActivity’. An activity delegate can only be referenced by the implementation of an activity which specifies that activity delegate as a child or import. The activity delegate with Handler ‘Body’ is declared by activity 'For Each” Getting this error what is the issue?
@Raghuveer_M can you show us screenshot of the error and where you are perfoming that activity
Thaks for the screenshot but you have to show me more details like what value use are passing and if you share the property window where in the above section the error is also highlighting because as par with this image it hard to say what type of error you are facing. it might be data conversion error like you are using for each and you are passing a datatable variable or any other type of variable which cause these type of error
Try upgrading the UiPath.system.activities package to latest possible version if not tried already.