Folders Not Visible In Studio

Folders created in orchestrator are not visible in studio

When the folders created in Orchestrator are not visible also in Studio, there could be multiple root causes including

1. The user is not mapped to the folder

To check this assumption, navigate to Orchestrator -> Tenant -> Folders -> select one by one the folders which are not visible and make sure that the user who is opening Studio is assigned to these folders. In addition, the machine key used to license the Robot should also be mapped to these folders.

2. The user does not have view permissions on folders
Make sure that the user has a role that includes Folders - View permission

3. The SSL certificate configuration is not correct
Kindly check that:
  1. the Thumbprint of the certificate is set correctly in the appsettings.production.json file from the Identity folder
  2. the following IIS groups have access to the certificate's private keys - IIS_IUSRS and IIS APPPool\uipath Orchestrator (IIS APPPOOL\identity)
  3. the certificate is still valid(check the expiration date)
  4. if the certificate is a self-signed one, it should be added to the trusted and personal certificate store on the Robot machine.