FlowChart Arrow not adding on Left and Right Side of the Sequence Icon. Already added arrow on Left/Right showing some gap. Up/Down side arrow are fine. Please help

FlowChart Arrow not adding on Left and Right Side of the Sequence Icon. Already added arrow on Left/Right showing some gap. Up/Down side arrow are fine. It happened after Ui Path Update.
I am on latest Version of Ui Path Studio(2019.7.0).

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its working for me :slight_smile:

Can you try dragging on to the workflow so that it will add the arrow automatically


I Tried, its not working. See gap is coming coming on left arrorw, but not on the Vertical arrow. That’s the problem.

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Try reopening the application if its not working still @SandeepPanchal, or even reinstalling

Tried reinstallation also.

When you drag an activity , drag near the existing activity , it will show all the four arrows and drop on one of the arrow @SandeepPanchal

If it won’t work, try updating or downgrading the UiPath.System.Activities :slight_smile:

can you tell me the UiPath.System.Activity name for this? so I can search it in All packages to update or download.

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Its an update @SandeepPanchal
i have seen similar flowchart images in different post like this
see in this

and even in the haressh image

Dont worry
2019.7 updates are done monthly hope if its a bug will get fixed, but i dont think its a bug. hope the workflow should work properly

Hope this would help you
Cheers @SandeepPanchal

That was just a sample screenshot that I attached to let him know that I’m able to connect the flow :slight_smile:

I’m able to join in the exact sequence as well :slight_smile:


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or we can go for a try
–choose manage packages option in design tab of studio
–in project dependencies, search for uipath.system.activities in the search option and downgrade the version from 19.7.0 to 18.4.1
–similarly once the above one is down-graded, search for uipath.uiautomation.activities in the search option and downgrade the version from 19.7.0 to 18.4.1

but i would usually dislike this as it may affect other activities which are used in the workflow @SandeepPanchal
so i would suggest its not a issue unless if the workflow fails due to that
sooner or later this will be updated in the upcoming versions

Cheers @SandeepPanchal



Thanks Palaniyappan. I think its better to wait for next update.

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Cheers @SandeepPanchal

So any other queries to be clarified buddy
Cheers @SandeepPanchal

I can’t drag (create) an arrow from the right or left of an activity. I’m trying to drag an arrow from one state to another in a state machine.

I hope UiPath get this fixed.

Looks like I’m going to have to downgrade to the previous version for now.

Did downgrading to the previous version work for you?

It didn’t.

Still very confused as to what has caused this and I still have the issue.

Hello guys,

I am encountering the same issue with the arrows on left and right side.
Tried downgrading and still the same…has anyone found a solution for short term until the new update will be released?

No Dude, all good. Thanks much :slight_smile:

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Cheers @SandeepPanchal