FlowChart Activity

Hi Everyone, Thank u so much for clarifying my doubts about dragging FlowChart activity.

I was trying to drag Work Flow Decision directly with out dragging Flow Chart Activity .
Thank you so much for all ur replies to my question.

Im a new learner. want to learn morte about it.
Thank u for all ur support.

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What are you trying to do here ?

I believe you are grateful for the help you received at a previous post.
Replies can be given in the same initial post, so we don’t have any duplicates in the forum, of course before being given as solved. Welcome

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And also i request you to go through Level -1 Foundation Training in Academy and then you will get to know each and every thing how to use each activity and all etc…

Thank u lakshman.

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Just wanted to chk whether given number is even or odd. simple basic program


Create one integer variable and assign one value to that using Assign activity and then use Flow decision activity and provide expression as

          varNumber mod 2 = 0

If provided number met the above condition then it will go to True side else it will go False side.