Find text in a image

Hi all,

So, imagine that you have a variable with value “000023”.

I want to be able to go to a webpage that contains a table (each row is an hyperlink) and select the right row (you can see the image). The problem is that the table hasn’t text: it’s an image. Could you help me, please?


Hi @Catia

Use Click and use Copy Selected Text Activity

based on that u can set a condition and based on that you can give condition for Send hot key tab

Ashwin S

Kindly try once with Computer vision activities to access those images as a element

Cheers @Catia

The hot key doesn’t work, because it isn’t a real table… And I’m not able to filter the table to get only the row that I’m looking for.

I should be able to find in the screen the variable (that is a string and I’m looking for it in a image) and to click on it when I find it

I will see. Thanks!

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