Find Text and Click, Then Click Below


I need help to click anything with “-RA” and then click the item below it. Any ideas?



-Indicate the image containing “-RA” using the ‘Image Click’ activity.
-Use the ‘Click’ activity to click on the item below the element with “-RA.”
-Indicate the item below separately.

Thanks & Cheers…!

Hi @Dilli_Reddy,

Thank you for the prompt response. I can’t find the ‘Image Click’ activity.

Am I missing any packages?

Also, forgot to mention that this in Google Chrome.

Hi @haziqbmz

You can try For Each UI Element Activity and configure Filter for it



This is what I’m trying to achieve:

You can try to extract the table (using extract data table), loop through the column and check whether column value contains "-RA’, if contains, use the index value to form a selector and click using the custom selector using index, and do one more click to index+1.