Stuck on a part of work needed some urgent help.
Any leads would be highly appreciated.
My Problem statement is :
For example :
Suppose there is a excel sheet with data starting from say A7 , so the headers are on the line A7 the headers can be ex. cost, unit,item,totalproductcost
I want the cell value of column name “totalproductcost”
for example i used :-
Convert.tochar(65+Dt.columns.indexof(“totalproductcost”)) this would give me the poistion of cell like E or F but i want the exact cell position of column totalproductcost, as here can be seen is “E7”
Any leads would be appreciated.
feel free to ask me anything.
@ppr Got this xaml , but it giving output as in terms of row number and column number , i want is the cell number like i told E7 for totalproductcost, not getting it on how to get this. Can you please help .
Also when i am using read range and searching this column “totalproductcost” from excel it is giving ‘Not Found’ always.
Yes it is correct. starter help is returning indexes on Datatable base.
But in the post and also in demo comments a description is given on how to map to an EXCEL range:
Using the workflow from the Connect Platform (see post above) to map integer to excel column letter.
adding 1 to overcome 0 based Index to 1 based index
However @balupad14 gave a hint that the same task can be done within the EasyExcel Activities. So I would suggest to first check, if it will work for you or not