Find duplicate images in folder

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to figure out how I can go thru a folder of images (pngs) and remove all duplicates (not based on the name but on the image itself). I tried using DuplaImageLib and some more libraries but couldn’t get any working solution. My idea was to create an image based hash for every image, save the path and hash to a data table and then filter out the duplicate hash integers.

Does anyone have a solution for creating those image based hash’s?

Thanks in advance!

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Hey @lb1

You can please try the below,

  1. Load two images

  2. Convert it to B64 string

  3. Compare the B64 values to verify

This may be one of the easy approach to go with, Hope this helps.


Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately seems to not be working properly since some of the images are in different sizes. Do you mind sharing a workflow file? Or do you have an idea how it could be done with the DuplaImage.Lib?

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Okay can you please attach or show two image samples which will give us more idea to suggest better

Hello @lb1

Please try the below custom library.
