Find Contract Id and click edit

Hi Guys, I need help for this scenario:

Read Range( excel sheet) ( cID1/cID2, etc)
Open browser
For each row dt1
Insert data in browser
Scrape data table from Browser ( It is multiple pages data table, each page 10 rows)
For each row dt2
If Br-cID1 = cID1
Click Edit Button

Any help how can we matching the same Contract ID in multiple pages?


Please check this its a similar request


The project working in one page data table, but when there multiple pages the robot cant find Contract Id to click Edit


You have to inteoduce a loop…to loop through each page…yes its for one page…use a for loop on this and once search is completed click next if not found…if found click on edit and end the search or reset it to first page


More details pls


  1. The mail loop will be on datatable where you have data
  2. inside that have another while loop and create a boolean variable and assign it to condition …default value to be true
  3. Inside while loop use a element exists /check app state with the variable of name in the selector
  4. If element exists on the then side click edit and perform your settings and end the while loop by setting boolean to false
  5. On the else side check if next page button is present or not…
  6. If present click on the next button on the else side…end the while loop …for that again set boolean to false


Forgive me, I almost understood the steps. Is there a visual example of the steps?


Please follow the steps …If any issues would be better to ask…as this is not usual scenario i dont have anything ready…

Would appreciate if you can try the steps and ask if you have any blockers …would be very happy to help


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I did this steps, Is it correct:
Scrap browser Data Table(dt-Browser)
1-Whil loop(variable For EX: cID)
2-Element Exist( variable: cID) for the brwoser data table
3-IF ( Exist1 true)
4-Click Edit
5- else ( next page button) if the cID not true


There is no scrapping needed for this…

You missed first looping on your input excel data

And element exists is not for the while loop…while loop is run till the next page is not there or required element is found

Apart from these your understanding looks correct on the piece of checking existance
