Read Range( excel sheet) ( cID1/cID2, etc)
Open browser
For each row dt1
Insert data in browser
Scrape data table from Browser ( It is multiple pages data table, each page 10 rows)
For each row dt2
If Br-cID1 = cID1
Click Edit Button
Any help how can we matching the same Contract ID in multiple pages?
You have to inteoduce a loop…to loop through each page…yes its for one page…use a for loop on this and once search is completed click next if not found…if found click on edit and end the search or reset it to first page
I did this steps, Is it correct:
Scrap browser Data Table(dt-Browser)
1-Whil loop(variable For EX: cID)
2-Element Exist( variable: cID) for the brwoser data table
3-IF ( Exist1 true)
4-Click Edit
5- else ( next page button) if the cID not true