Filter Wizard issue


I am unable to edit Filter Data table activity which is not allowing me to add any conditions in Filter Wizard window.


Can anyone help me to get Filter Wizard to get displayed!!

Thanks in Advance


Welcome to the community

Please try changing the system package version and then check if you are avle to get the option


Hi @Sruthilaya46_Yeturi

Welcome to the Community!

Can you please check the dependencies For SystemActivities are there or not, if there are can you try to downgrade it?
Can you tell us the version of Studio that you’re using?


Hi @Anil_G,

Tried updating but no luck.displaying same

Hi @adiijaiin ,

Studio version is 2020.10.2 and UiPath.system.activities version is 23.4.3.

Tried Downgrading even that didnt work.


Please close the project …rename the project.json and then reopen again


Thanks @Anil_G But Even It didnt work .


Can you please confirm
The studio version and system packages version you are using…

Make sure both are same or system package is less thwn the studio version


Hi @Anil_G

I have downgraded system package but higher than Studio. It started working alright .


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Glad its resolved
