I’ve been trying to complete part B of Lesson 9 Practice 2 of “Foundation training - revamped”. I have to filter data table using Filter Wizard from “filter data table” but I just don’t have this activity in the list.
I tried looking up in the solution but it shows an error at the place where activity should be. I also checked version of my core activities package. Its 18.1.6680.15559.
Do I need to reinstall UIPath or is there a better solution?
Hi there @Vlad_Yudashkin,
I am currently operating with version 18.2.6732.32230 and the ‘Filter Datatable’ activity exists for me.
Have you tried updating your UiPath.Core.Activities package?
Thanks in advance,
Hey there,
UIPath says there no updates available, and I can’t choose another version from the version dropdown menu.
I tried reinstalling the package but no success so far. Btw I have Windows 7 64bit installed.
Any other ideas how to fix it?
Thanks for advice,
same case for me I’m missing the Filter data table activity. any solution for this? thanks!
Have you tried uninstalling the package and the installing it again?
Same issue here, reinstalling package UIpath.core.activities did not help
tried already but still missing.
Filter Data Table activity is introduced in 2018.2 version onwards. Please update the Studio version to 2018.2.2 or 2018.2.3 in order to use the activity.
Filter Data Table activity exists only in 2018.2 version onwards. I had to update my windows 7 to windows 10 to get a newer version of UIPath.