Filter out non matching rows

Can anyone help with an expression : I have 2 datatables(2 excel files - just for testing purposes )and I need to filter out the CustID (63217) that is not present in the other table below.
Table 1: dt_CustomerID Table 2: Out_dtMatchedCustomers

I am using this expression: (From rowCustomerID In in_dtCustomerID.AsEnumerable() From rowCustomers In out_dtMatchedCustomers.AsEnumerable() Where Not rowCustomerID(“Cust ID”).ToString().Contains(rowCustomers(“Customer”).ToString()) Select rowCustomerID).CopyToDataTable()


How about the following sample?

arrDr = Out_dtMatchedCustomers.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) dt_CustomerID.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(r2) r2("Customer ID").ToString= r("Cust ID").ToString)).ToArray()

Sample (16.7 KB)


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