Filter excel by sheet index

I need my filter not to be based on the worksheet name but on its index. in this case Sheet1 would have the index “1” for me to put sheetname.

I need this because the same filter is performed on several excel files but the name of the worksheet changes

Could you please provide more details?

Hi @gustavo.souza ,

Refer the following thread to know how to get the sheet names from excel file, and then you can use the sheet accordingly:



You have two options

  1. Use classic activity(This allows you to specify sheetnumber).to enable - Activities → Filter Icon → Classic
  2. Ideally in the for each sheet in excel activity the sheet are retrieved in the same order as their index so you can use that as well, Where inside for loop you can use if condition with currentindex and also index here starts from zero


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Yes, I’ve tried this, but I can’t use the output of the get sheet workbook in the filter activity


Once you get the sheetname you have to use like this Excel.Sheet(varsheetname)


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Returned the following error: Sheet name is null or is empty.

The output variable of get workbook sheet is “Planilha”


I guess there is only one sheet can you give index as zero(0)…


There is more than one worksheet, I changed it to 0 to test and it also gave the same error


Can you please check the variable properly are there two variables created ? And can you please uncheck the template

because I can clearly see the sheetname


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it worked thank you very much

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