I am reading an excel to DataTable. I have a column “Date” of type string. I want to apply a filter(=,>,<) on it using a datetime variable. But my column “Date” is of string type (as Excel is coming from SAP and I am reading using read range).
I have read forum for more than 2 hours and tried multiple methods suggested by experts on UiPath forum and StackOverflow
But not able to apply it. Any help will be appreciated.
Hi @SajidM
Check out this LINQ expression
ExtractDataTable = ExcelSAPDT.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) DateTime.Parse(r("Column Name").ToString)=New DateTime(2021,12,1) AndAlso DateTime.Parse(r("Column name").ToString)<New DateTime(2021,12,10) AndAlso DateTime.Parse(r("Column name").ToString)>New DateTime(2021,12,10)).CopyToDataTable
However I want to use a DateTime type variable, It errors out “disallows implicit converion from string to Date”
Can you share the sample excel file and filter condition with us @SajidM
File.xlsx (8.7 KB)
I am not able to copy original file. however I replicated same scenario here in test file.
Date column has the same format as in original file.
I have to use datetime variable as my requirement is to apply filter for first of next month and first of previous month
Main.xaml (7.6 KB)
Hi @SajidM , check out this file that I worked based on your excel file.
Best regards,
Add Data Column with datetime datatype.
For Each Row in Datatable
- Assign CurrentRow(“DateColumnName”) = DateTime.Parse(CurrentRow(“StringColumnName”).ToString)
This assumes your string dates are standard MM/dd/yyyy format. If not then you might need to use ParseExact instead of Parse.
You can remove the column with the date as string, if you want.