Filtering the datatable between Dates


I have a datatable of format, Date, Name

Here, I want to filter the date column between Dates,
In Filter Datatable activity, It is not filtering since The column Date is of format String, any leads on converting the Column “Date” from String to DateTime format


Try LINQ approach.

Ashok :slight_smile:


I tried this method
dtOutput=(From row In dtInput.AsEnumerable
Let dtOutput= DateTime.ParseExact(row.Item(“Column1”).ToString,“MM/dd/yy”,Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
Select row).CopyToDataTable

but I am getting this error
System exception.Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled. at Source: Assign

Hi @quick_123

VisualBasicValue 1 error refers that your double quotes aren’t right. So, please retype the double quotes.

Try this:

dtOutput = (From row In dtInput.AsEnumerable
            Let parsedDate = DateTime.ParseExact(row.Item("Column1").ToString(), "MM/dd/yy", Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
            Select row).CopyToDataTable()


the date is of format MM-dd-yy, so it is showing error is not valid DateTime

Hi @quick_123

Try this:

dtOutput = (From row In dtInput.AsEnumerable
            Let parsedDate = DateTime.ParseExact(row.Item("Column1").ToString(), "MM-dd-yy", Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
            Select row).CopyToDataTable()


this worked but in filter Data table activity when i tried filtering it didn’t work.


Hi @quick_123

You need to write like

DateTime.ParseExact(StrSplitDate1.ToString(), "MM-dd-yy", Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

Int he same way for strSplitDate2

DateTime.ParseExact(StrSplitDate2.ToString(), "MM-dd-yy", Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)


I Tried this, but I am getting the following error:

System exception.String ‘04-02-2024’ was not recognized as a valid DateTime. at Source: Filter Data Table

Hi @quick_123

What are all the dare formats you have in Excel. Can you share the screenshot of the excel so that I can help you.


Hey @quick_123

Date1 & Date2 are in which format “dd-MM-yy” OR “MM-dd-yy” Format?

And as much I understood, you want to filter your input table with the date column!
Dates which are greater than Date1 & Smaller than Date2 right?

Or you want only last 1 month date rows as a output?

The more you clearify the better you’ll get the solution!

Ajay Mishra

No this is just an example, actually I want to extract rows from datatable between date1 and date2

actually, the date formats are in format dd/MM/yyyy but in my case it is of format dd-MM-yy

Hi @quick_123

If possible can you share the excel file.


Hey @quick_123

I have solved your query just answer some of the question. So, that I can provide you a final LinQ.

Steps to Follow:
Just debug your xaml after reading the excel data just go to immediate panel and put Dt_Datatable(0)(1).ToString hit Enter → In this Dt_Datatable is input datatable variable name, (0) denotes Row And (1) denotes Column i.e Date Column in excel.

Try to check values of some rows of Date Column by changing Row Index in Immediate panel and confirm all the rows have same format. i.e Dt_Datatable(1)(1).ToString, then Dt_Datatable(2)(1).ToString then, Dt_Datatable(3)(1).ToString


  1. Confirm format of Date Column Values (Output of above steps is coming in ddMMyyyy format or MMddyy format or anyother…)
  2. Confirm StrSplitDate1 & strSplitDate2 values(Final Format)

Screenshot would be appreciated of Immediate panel…!

Thanks & Regards,
Ajay Mishra
RPA Developer

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