I have a datatable of format
Sl.no, Date, Name
Here, I want to filter the date column between Dates,
In Filter Datatable activity, It is not filtering since The column Date is of format String, any leads on converting the Column “Date” from String to DateTime format
I tried this method
dtOutput=(From row In dtInput.AsEnumerable
Let dtOutput= DateTime.ParseExact(row.Item(“Column1”).ToString,“MM/dd/yy”,Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
Select row).CopyToDataTable
but I am getting this error
System exception.Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled. at Source: Assign
I have solved your query just answer some of the question. So, that I can provide you a final LinQ.
Steps to Follow:
Just debug your xaml after reading the excel data just go to immediate panel and put Dt_Datatable(0)(1).ToString hit Enter → In this Dt_Datatable is input datatable variable name, (0) denotes Row And (1) denotes Column i.e Date Column in excel.
Try to check values of some rows of Date Column by changing Row Index in Immediate panel and confirm all the rows have same format. i.e Dt_Datatable(1)(1).ToString, then Dt_Datatable(2)(1).ToString then, Dt_Datatable(3)(1).ToString
Confirm format of Date Column Values (Output of above steps is coming in ddMMyyyy format or MMddyy format or anyother…)