Hey I have two Different excel I want to match one row of both the excel But its showing me error
Please help me to find equal of both excel
Hey I have two Different excel I want to match one row of both the excel But its showing me error
Please help me to find equal of both excel
on the left side please give only the column name "Column-2"
not the row.item…
Not Getting any output
Output excel is blank
on the right try using .ToSTring
If no data is coming then in filter everything is getting filtered
Can you show the complete workflow what you are doing there
And as per what I see I can see that you are not matchign one row but each row of one excel is being matched with each row of another excel…
Actually you dont ened secodn loop…inside fisrt loop filter the dt2 with currentrow(0).ToString and then check filtereddt.count>0 then if yes then you got a match else no
Again Getting blank
Yes I am matching every row but its giving blank sheet
One.xlsx (8.7 KB)
Two.xlsx (8.7 KB)
Two Input excel I want to filter 1 column on the bases of contains
Please filter 2 excel with input of one excel
Can you elaborate a little…did you follow above ateps…of using one for loop only
Please provide one xml with my input data
It helps me a lot
Again Getting blank sheet I think I am doing some thing wrong
there are no matching data that is the reason you are getting the rows
trying some more rows with the data from one.xlsx file in same format
you will be able to retrieve rows in filtered data