Hi, I am trying to filter data from the excel sheet using a Filter data table. In that, I cant able to filter the data using (<,>,<=,>=) logic operators. Is that any package needs to install to work with logic operators.
Note: The remaining operations are working well, like Contains,=, start with,etc…
Please me out
Why cant you use that operators. On what type of data are you trying to use it.
Hi @suma123
I dont get it what is the issue to be exact .Please elaborate more to easilly address the issue.
Happy learning
if im using “contains”.it is working for me.
if i change the operator “<,>,<=.>=”,im not able to filter data
Can you once remove the double quotes in the value box and try.
You are trying to compare it with time . So you are getting that error
if i put In_Duration = 08:30,im getting the data to my result excel sheet.
but if i use In_Duration < 08:30, im not getting any data.
How can i over come with this, please help me