Filter Data Table Display Nothing on the Excel

Hello guys, I would like to ask why it displayed nothing on the Excel file after filtering the data table and using the write range in another Excel file. Does anyone know the reason? However, I can show all the data without using the filtering function.


Hi @CHAN_Hiu_Fung_Victor_Stud

Can you share the Input file and the conditions required for filteration?


Thank you for your help. Here is the input file. I only want to show the column App# that same as the AppNum I input. However, after filtering the data table, it shows nothing on the output Excel file.
Sample.xlsx (9.8 KB)

Hi @CHAN_Hiu_Fung_Victor_Stud

Please give me sometime I will update you regarding this issue.


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Thank you very much!!!

Hey @CHAN_Hiu_Fung_Victor_Stud
Here you can find working solution: (10.1 KB)
To achieve it I used LINQ:
dtData.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row("App#").ToString = inputAppNum).CopyToDataTable()

I hope it helps :slight_smile:

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Thanks very much !!! I will try this later.

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