Fields in SAP are not recognized correctly

Dear Forum,

unfortunately I have the problem that UI Path is not finding SAP element correctly. The Selectors are kind of moved. You can see an example in below picture.

I have all necessary authorizations for SAP GUI Scripting, so this shouldn’t be a problem.

I would be very glad to receive help, as I’m struggeling since a while with this.

Best regards!

Hi @RPA_DEV_Ditz ,

If the problem is only for that specific element, I believe it is because it is recognised as a Table.
Have you tried using the SAP Table Cell Scope activity ?

Also check if it is the same when there is data present in the table.

Hi @RPA_DEV_Ditz

This is the solution:

@supermanPunch your idea is good, but not correct :slight_smile:

Best regards, Lev


Hi @LevKushnir ,

this has solved my problem!

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards!

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